Spider At Sunset on the Ferry Street Bridge in Eugene Circa June 2023

 Spider with a nice diamond shape on it s rear where web comes from that it just felt over top of the Willamette River and Eugene Oregon during that sunset

 Spider At Sunset on the Ferry Street Bridge in Eugene Circa June 2023

Photographed by jimmyinspazZz

A beautiful orange orb exiting the daytime stage overtop of the Willamette river facing westward

A spider building his web during dusk with sun setting in the background

A vertical view of the bright Sun reflecting off of the Willamette River as it goes down in the West

The shadow of a spider in its web against the right warm sunshine in the background over the river as the solar center sets

Beautiful son fading out in the westward sky over top of the glistening Willamette river

A slightly distant view of a neat spider and its web it just felt over top of the fast flowing river while the Sun exits the day on the heels of tomorrow

A large spider with long pointy legs spread out basking in the sunlight setting in the background over the Willamette River

Photographed by jimmyinspazZz